My period is 5 days late and my breasts are sore. We use condoms correctly. Could I be pregnant?

To directly answer your question – I don’t know. The only way to know for sure is a pregnancy test. But there are two things to talk about here.

First, condom use. If you used the condom appropriately and removed it without getting ejaculate near your vagina, the chances of you getting pregnant are incredibly low. Condoms fail when they break, fall off or are worn inconsistently.

The second thing to discuss is symptoms. While everyone experiences symptoms of pregnancy differently, early pregnancy symptoms (we’re talking the fertilized egg JUST implanted into your uterine wall) are usually very mild. Super sore breasts can be common as hcg (a major pregnancy hormone) increases, but it’s rarely so high early on to cause symptoms. The most common symptom of early pregnancy is a missed period.


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