Underwear protection



If you’re not quite ready to use a tampon or you need some overnight protection, these pads are great absorbers and protect your underwear.


Panty liners

Whether it’s a light period day, you want to protect your underwear while wearing a tampon or you just want to absorb some of that vaginal discharge, panty liners are a perfect answer.

Tampons and troubleshooting


Tampons with applicators

Ready for tampons? This multipack has two levels of absorbency, regular and super, so you can feel comfortable no matter what day of your cycle.


Water-based lube

Having a difficult time getting the tampon in? One thing that can help is a little lubrication on the applicator.


Tampons without applicators

Worried about your carbon footprint? These tampons do not have applicators so there’s minimal waste! You will have to be a little more…hands-on with insertion, but once you get the hang of it they’re easy to use!

Menstrual cups


Small, 2 pack

Ready to try a menstrual cup? It will take some understanding of your anatomy but they are wonderful products that will save you lots of money…and help the environment! This particular link is for those with smaller vaginal canals (those who haven’t given birth).

Pregnancy tests


Late period?

Keep in mind that there are many things that cause a period to be thrown off schedule, though a pregnancy test is the most common concern. Get some peace of mind by taking a test a week after your missed period (or after the total time for your period has passed).