
This is an ever-growing list of wonderful services for youth out there. If you do not see one that you want listed, please submit the information via the form below and we will look into it!


Boys Town National has 24/7 services for youth and families in situations of abuse and neglect, addiction and turmoil. You can visit their website or call (800)448-3000.

Childhelp is a service for victims of child abuse or those who know of a child abuse situation. You can visit their website or call (800)422-4453 for help.

The Guttmacher Institute has compiled a list of individual state policies regarding a teenager’s rights to healthcare without a parent. is an abuse prevention and intervention service for youth. You can visit their website or call (866)331-8453. Their website provides a lot of assistance in eliminating the electronic trail if you are in an abusive situation and need to hide your research.

The National Eating Disorders Association has many tools and resources for individuals experiencing or family members of those experiencing an eating disorder including information support services and a hotline for personal assistance.

The National Runaway Safeline provides assistance for youth and families facing runaway situations. Whether you’re thinking of running away or have already done so, you can visit their website or call (800)786-2929 for help.

The national suicide prevention lifeline is available for thoughts of suicide or self-harm. You can visit their website or call (800)273-8255 to talk with someone immediately.

Planned Parenthood is a nation-wide clinic that offers reproductive services to individuals of all ages. Their website also has great information pages on birth control, sexually-transmitted infections and relationship concerns.

The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) has a wealth of information for victims of sexual assault, friends or caregivers of those who have experienced sexual assault and more. The National Sexual Assault Hotline is (800)656-HOPE.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has a 24/7 hotline for reporting substance abuse or mental health concerns for yourself or for someone you care about. You can visit their website or call (800)662-4357.

The Trevor Project provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ youth. You can visit their website or call (866)488-7386 for help 24/7.